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January 4, 2021

William T. Howe Ph.D.

Daily Reading: Genesis 12-15

Genesis 12:1

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.

Yesterday’s reading took us from Noah to Abram. Today the story of Abram begins in earnest, it will continue on until chapter 25:8 when the great father of all the faithful gives up the ghost. Many people believe and falsely claim that the Bible story of creation was handed down hundreds of times over thousands of years. The fact of the matter, according to the Scriptural record, the first 2,157 years of human history are overlapped by three men: Adam, Methuselah, and Shem. Shem was Noah’s son, his life overlapped Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Noah had 6 living ancestors that could have personally known Adam. Noah was alive during the events surrounding the Tower of Babel.

From all this we can conclude that: the story of creation was not passed down hundreds of times, Adam probably told Methuselah, Methuselah could have related it to Shem, and Shem could have given it to Abram, Isaac and/or Jacob. Also, know this, it was approximately 1,656 years from the days of creation until the worldwide flood. It was about 101 years from the flood to the Tower of Babel, and it was about 1,950 years from creation to Abram’s birth.

This brings us to Abram, whose name was changed by God to Abraham. He is one of the most prominent men of the Bible, his name is recorded 230 times in Scripture. This man is so vitally important that he is mentioned in the very first verse of the New Testament, The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

We have more to learn about this great patriarch of the faith whom we commonly call Abraham. However, let’s leave it here for today. If you get a chance, think on purpose about the dates given above, it will help you grasp the validity of the Genesis account of creation. Also, mark this, from this point on, the Bible focuses on the Hebrew nation, Israel, of whom the father was Abram. That is until the New Testament then the focus changes to the Gentile believers in Jesus Christ, but just for a short time until the Book of Revelation when the focus switches back to Israel.

Until tomorrow, live for Christ today.


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