Minding Your Thoughts
A Biblical Overview of Obtaining and Maintaining a Biblical Thought Life
Jeremiah 15:1 Then said the LORD unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth.
God’s mind was made up. His decision was made. Even if Moses and Samuel, two great intercessors before God, stood before pleading with Him, God would not change His mind. Chastisement would fall on Israel because of their sins. In this sad pronouncement an attribute of God’s mind will help us with our own thinking. He made up His mind and it could not be changed. Other times in Scripture our Lord did change His mind, remember Nineveh. Jonah preached, …Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. (Jonah 3:4) Yet the entire nation repented and God changed His mind and spared them for a time.
Yes, God can change His mind, as we can. It’s called repentance. But there also comes a time when God makes up His mind and no one will be able to change it. Just as God made up His mind in Jeremiah’s day, we must make up our mind about some things in our day.
Is your mind made up on God’s Word, His church, or His salvation? Is your mind rock solid about your decision to love your spouse for a lifetime? You see, there are many decisions of life that we have to settle in our minds. Others will try to change your mind, even your own mind may try to change your mind. But to accomplish great things one must make up their mind, set their course, and not turn back.
The old adage, “Never stop in doubt what was started in faith” is still true today.
May the Lord Bless and be pleased with your thought life today.
William T. Howe, Ph.D.