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February 26, 2025

William T. Howe Ph.D.

Minding Your Thoughts


A Biblical Overview of Obtaining and Maintaining a Biblical Thought Life

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


My first car was a 1965 two door Chevrolet Impala. My dad purchased it from a neighbor for $25.00. Needless to say, it was not in pristine condition. It was rusted, mildewed, broken down, and basically just rotting away. We dragged it home. The day my dad paid for that car it was saved from further destruction. I remember sitting in that car as a 15-year-old anticipating the day it would be fully restored.


Over the next year or so we, actually I should say he (my dad), worked on that car. He rebuilt the engine, repaired the rusted areas, performed the needed body work, put in new carpet, paid for new upholstery, and repainted the entire car.  It took a lot of hours, a lot of money, and a lot of know-how, but my dad finished the car. Once he paid for the car it was saved, but it took a long time for the car to be completely salvaged.


The car was renewed. I drove that car through my high school years and into my first year of college. Then it was sold to my boss for his son to drive. The car was made like new. It wasn’t new, but it was renewed. The same is true with our minds. Salvation of our eternal soul is an immediate transaction; it is a one-time event. But the renewal of our mind, the continual salvaging of our life is an ongoing process. The mind can grow rusty, mildewed, broken, and can even become a place of rot, but through the process of renewal it can be made like new.


My dad had plans for that car that I could not see as a young man, and God has plans for you that you may not be able to see or understand. But be assured, He is transforming you and one part of that transformation process is the renewing of your mind.


May the Lord Bless and be pleased with your thought life today.


Dr. William T. Howe


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