The Bible Edge
Random Thoughts of a Spiritual Nature II
I Samuel 21:13
And he changed his behaviour before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard.
If nothing else will work, act a little crazy. David did, and it perhaps saved his life. David was fleeing from the murderous hand of Saul, he fled to Achish, King of Gath. Once there, the servants of Achish recognized David and told the king who he was. Then David became concerned about his safety in the hands of this king, so he did as the verse above describes, he went a little crazy.
This is an interesting ploy that David used, and I have to admit that I must spiritualize it a bit in order to make an application for today. Perhaps the Lord will permit me to say this: Sometimes, life just about gets to you. With the pressures of work, family, responsibility, finances, ministry, and others hurting you, sometimes you have just about had it. When this happens, act a little crazy. Do something different, spend a little extra on a triviality, dress a little differently, go somewhere you have never been, take a short trip, veg out on the sofa for a while, run as hard as you can for as long as you can, something, anything to break the monotony.
Remember not to violate any of God’s laws. Keep things honest and above board, don’t lose your testimony or do anything illegal. Just go a little crazy now and then. There is a little craziness in all of us, let it come out once in a while. Perhaps it will keep something worse from happening.
William T. Howe, Ph.D.