Rēad to Read …Again
Daily Reading: I Corinthians 9-11
I Corinthians 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
The very fact that Paul invites others to follow him is predicated upon the fact that they have a choice. Choosing whom to follow is one of the great freedoms of life. It is a liberty of the grandest order. For those we follow largely dictates that which we will be. Both the leader of followers and the followers of leaders have great responsibilities. Though few even know it, much less put effort, thought, and purpose into it. So, let’s briefly look at the two sides of this thing of leaders and followers.
Each person in some aspect is to be a leader. Paul was. He was a religious leader prior to his conversion to Christ and He was a leader to Christians after his conversion. He led wrongly, and he led rightly. Someone may say, “That is a bold statement, who can say if someone leads others rightly or wrongly.” The Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. According to the totality of God’s Holy Word, those who lead others in the way of Scriptural teachings are leading in the right way. Those who lead others astray from Scriptural teachings are leading erroneously. Herein is the conflict. Followers cannot change the way leaders lead, but they can change their leaders.
Parents are leaders, children do not change them, but over time even children will choose who their leader will be. Their parents will always be their biological parents, but their parents may not always be their leaders. Here is an example. A parent leads their child to not use illegal drugs. But somewhere along the line of their life, that child will have someone offer them an illegal substance. At that moment of the offering that child will choose to be led by their parents or forsake the leadership of their parents.
Those who lead others will be judged in eternity for their leadership. Be sure to lead rightly. Paul did. He asked others to follow him as he followed Christ.
Followers will also be judged for their followship. Consider a powerful, yet overlooked truth given in our reading today. Later in I Corinthians 11 Paul makes this astonishing statement: For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. (verse 19). Probably, at least in passing, true Bible believing Christians may wonder, “Why does God allow all these false teachers?” This is why, there must be heresies so that they which are approved of God will be shown forth (manifest) as being right. Heresies have to do with Biblical Doctrine. There can be fidelity (faithfulness) to the doctrines of God, and there can be heretical (wrong) to the doctrines of God. The leaders who are approved are the ones who hold to the clear teachings of God’s Word without error. Followers are to “check out” the teachings of their leaders by studying the Word of God for themselves. The believers in Berea were “more noble” than those in Thessalonica because they …searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (Acts 17:10-11)
Yes, leaders can lead rightly or wrongly. Followers can follow the right leader or the wrong leader. All will be judged for their personal decisions and actions, leaders and the followers, both in accordance with God’s Word.
Following the right leader takes courage, understanding of Scripture, wisdom, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Choosing whom to follow is a freedom that many wrongly apply which will ultimately result in loss, pain, regret, and no or few rewards. Leaders: lead rightly, followers: choose your leaders well. The greatest leader to follow is Jesus Christ. Until you know Him well enough to follow Him on your own, follow those who follow Him. They will lead you to Him wherein one day, following Him will be your joy and reward.
Dr. William T. Howe