The Bible Edge
Biography of Dr. William T. Howe Ph.D.
For twenty years I was in the business of sales and marketing management spending fourteen of those years with the same corporation. For over twenty years I have, and still am, pastor of the same church. These life experiences have allowed me many unique experiences.
Having known so many individuals from various backgrounds, educational levels, and socio-economic conditions one thing has always resonated with me. That is; the Bible has the answers. It is the genuine "one size fits all" product, it is the handle for every pot and pan, it is the universal tool that can be used for any task. The more an individual can glean from its pages the greater chance they have to sidestep the snares of life, of which there are many.
Therefore, I followed God's call into His service of preaching and teaching His Word. From pastoring, to establishing three men's ministries in various churches, preaching internationally, writing 5 books, being an adjunct professor at a Bible College, and becoming Vice President of postgraduate studies. Hosting and speaking at seminars such as "Remodeling Your Marriage", "The Business of Your Life" and a "Church Safety Seminar". I have attempted to cast a wide net to instruct others in God's Holy Teachings.
I was born in Rock Springs, Wyoming and now live in the Fort Worth, Texas area. I enjoy anything outdoors, hunting, fishing, and golf. As a hobby I make pens out of deer antler as well as many other small products to give away as gifts. I enjoy leatherwork and have handtooled "preaching notebooks" that are being used by several preachers across America.
Throughout 40 years of business experience, pastoring and marriage to Terri, God has given me a unique ability to relate to both lay people and ministry staff alike. I have been told more than once that my practical, straight forward, and plain spoken Bible based messages have been said to be both simple and profound at the same time.